We are in high demand as contact persons and advisers for gambling operators and business associations in all practical and scientific matters related to gambling, especially from a tax law perspective.
Gambling law
Since the first German gambling agreement, we have been advising in the area of gambling regulation.
One focus is on the gaming arcade industry and related disputes, e.g. concerning the granting of gambling licences. Our expertise also includes the regulation of sports betting and other bets.
We deal intensively with new forms or replicas of gambling and examine the compatibility of corresponding business models with gambling law requirements. These include, for example, skin gambling and so-called simulated gambling.
Gambling tax law
We specialise in gambling tax law.
Our partner, lawyer Prof. Dr. Christian Jahndorf, has over 20 years of experience in the field of gambling taxation, in particular with the casino levy and the municipal amusement tax on the holding of gambling machines. He is recognised as an expert and in great demand as a litigator. Besides many unpublished expert opinions (in part in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Birk), he is also an author of many relevant publications (selection).
Attorney Dr. Lennart Brüggemann is a recognised expert in bet taxation and gambling regulation. He has a doctorate on the taxation of sports betting and is co-author of a commentary on gambling law published by C.H. Beck, in which he comments on the regulations on the taxation of race betting, sports betting, lotteries and draws, virtual slot machines and online poker. He regularly publishes on the subject of levies on games of chance.