Dr. Dietmar Janzen, MBA
Attorney, tax consultant, specialist attorney for international business law
Tel.: +49 (0) 2 51/28 08-155
Dr. Dietmar Janzen, MBA
born 1966, married, 2 children
Areas of expertise
- Business and tax law consulting for companies and public bodies
- National and international corporate, commercial and tax law
- Transaction consulting (M&A, restructuring)
- Representation in arbitration and complex litigation
Other activities
- Member of the specialist attorneys’ commission for international business law of the Rechtsanwaltskammer Hamm
- Member of the Wissenschaftliche Vereinigung für Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht (VGR)
- Member of the German tax law association
- Lecturer at the WWU (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität) continuing education (international transformation law in the expert consultant course international tax law) as well as at the University of Osnabrück
Select publications
- Der neue Art. 88 Satz 2 GG – Verfassungsrechtl. Anforderungen an die Übertragung der Währungshoheit auf die EZB, Berlin 1996
- UN-Kaufrecht (with Josef Alpmann), Münster 1996 (2nd edition: UN-Kaufrecht/IPR, Münster 1998)
- Vorzeitige Beendigung von Vorstandsamt und -vertrag, NZG 2003, 468
- Kreditvergaben der GmbH & Co. KG an ihre Gesellschafter, DB 2006, 2108ff
Professional career
- Specialist attorney for international business law since 2015
- Partner since 2005
- Tax consultant since 2003
- With HLB Schumacher since 2000
- Attorney since 1997
- MBA (international tax)
- Received the Robert Liefmann award of the University of Freiburg
- Attorney with Hengeler Mueller, Düsseldorf (1999/2000)
- Attorney with Hölters & Elsing (today: Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe), Düsseldorf (1997/1998)
- Doctorate with Prof. Dr. B. Pieroth in 1995
- Research assistant at the institute of public law and politics of WWU Münster and participation in the revision course Alpmann Schmidt/Münster, 1993-1996
- Law studies in Münster
English, Dutch
Personal interests
Sports, music (violoncello)